Geopolitics in action: Exploring planet oil

As we all know, I’m a sucker for a good documentary, even those that aren’t related to geology.

However, this time around the subject couldn’t be more relevant; falling prices, conflicts in the Middle East, debates about sustainability and the implications of fracking all mean that oil is the hot topic du jour.

In a three-part series, professor Iain Stewart explores the history of our global addiction and reliance on oil, and how it has altered economics, politics and our environment in a timespan little over that of a human lifetime.

Happy watching!

Photo Friday: China Clay and Cornish Fog



Here we have a photo from a fieldtrip way back in 2012 to Cornwall, the most southwesterly county in England. This is taken from the viewing platform at the Wheal Martyn china clay mine with some atmospheric fog and mist as a free gift (the fog didn’t actually lift for the whole week we were in Cornwall, so we never got a half decent view of one of the most beautiful areas of Britain).

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